Searching for a Newsletter

1.  Click on Emails in the main menu, go to Monthly Newsletters.

2.  Select the status of newsletter or emails from the Status drop down list. The available options are Any, Draft and Sent.

3.  You can filter results based on the date of posting or sending newsletter, status or name. Select the order based on which the results are to be displayed from the Order Results By drop down list. The available options are Create Date, Schedule Date, Status and Name.

4.  Further you can filter the records either in ascending or descending order by selecting the appropriate option from the drop down list. The available options are Ascendant and Descendant.

5.  Specify the number or records to be displayed on the page, by selecting the required option from the Display drop down list. The available options are 5, 10 and 20.

6.  Click the Apply button.

The results will be displayed based on the filters applied.