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Editing 'After Submit' Action for Lead Boxes

1)  From the Lead Capture section in the Main Navigation Bar, click on Leadboxes. 

2) Click on the Manage Leadbox action button on the right (under Actions column).

3) Select 'After Submit' tab in the left column 

4) Change the settings for what happens after someone submits the form: 

Thank you message: Set a thank you message for the user to see after the form is submitted. 

Redirect to URL: Decide whether you want to redirect the user to another page after they submit the form, and select paste the page URL in the field below.

Message for user: Select between Send email, Run campaign, Schedule Event and then use the dropdown menu to select the specific email, campaign or event 

- Send email: send a single email to the users who submit the form. 

- Run campaign: send a series of emails to the users who submit the form.

- Schedule event: add the user to an upcoming event and send emails relative to the event date (for example: you could send an automatic reminder email 2 days before the event, and follow up email 1 week after the event).

- Default user optin: Leave this as 'Yes' if you wish to send follow up emails to the users who submit this form.

- User tags: use this section to assign a unique tag to the users who submit this form. The tags will be visible under the 'Customers' section. This is helpful for when you wish to create segmented lists and retarget users with another related campaign in the future. 

5) Click 'Save' 

Do you still have some questions or need some additional help? Check out one of our recent webinars on how to connect a lead box to a campaign or reach out to us at and our team will be happy to help you. 

Click here to watch the webinar and use the password below to access the recording. 

Password: A1@kd33P