Adding Multiple Users To Your PatientSites Account

You can now create new login details for multiple users in your PatientSites account. The steps to do so are as follows: 

Please visit and log in with your account username and password. 
1) Click on My Account in the top navigation bar
2) Click on Users in the sub-menu

3) Click on Add User

4) Assign a name, email address and phone number for the new user 

5) Select the appropriate permissions for this user: 

  • Include in platform notifications: if you want this user to receive all system updates related to the website and marketing tools included in your account
  • Can approve newsletters or magazines for publishing: if you want this user to be able to approve newsletters and magazines
  • Set system access permissions: if you want this user to be able to access the website account (this option will allow you to select which parts of the account you want to give them access to)
  • Permission to add or remove users: if you want this user to be able to add or remove users from your PatientSites account
6) Select the ‘ Save All’ button to finish creating the new user profile
7) If you selected the "Set system access permissions" checkbox in step 5, you should see an option to "Change password" and "toggle more details"
  • Click the "Change password" option to create a temporary password for this new user profile. 
  • Click the "toggle more details" option to select which parts of the system you want this new user to be able to access in your PatientSites account. 
8) Click on Save