How to create a new workshop campaign

In order to create a new workshop campaign, please check first to make sure you have the following materials available in your account: 

- Event Based Campaign

- Workshop page templates (4 different available styles)

If you do not find these items in your account, please contact and we will be happy to assist. 

The first step to creating a workshop involves modifying the 'Event Based Campaign' campaign to include the date, time and location for your upcoming workshop. If you are promoting a workshop other than 'Lower Back Pain', you will also need to modify the content of the emails to change the topic of the workshop. 

1. Navigate to the Autom8r tab in the Main Navigation Bar.

2. Select Campaigns under second Navigation Bar. 

3. The Campaign page will be displayed, listing all the existing campaigns in your account. Look for the 'Event Based Campaign' campaign and click the Manage Campaign icon (as highlighted below). 

4. Identify the email(s) you want to edit. 

5. Click the button highlighted in the image below to edit the email. 

6. Use the content editor to make any changes to the date, time and location for the workshop. You can also make changes such as uploading an image, changing text formatting, adding a campaign link, and more.

7) Click Save Changes once you are done editing the content. 

The next step involves creating a confirmation email. This email will be sent to all registrants immediately after they sign up for the workshop. 

8) Click on 'Emails' or 'Newsletters' (can vary based on the type of subscription) in the main navigation bar 

9) If your main navigation bar includes a menu item for 'Newsletters', then click on 'Multiuse Emails' next or else move on to the next step

10) Create a copy of the 'Sample Workshop Confirmation' by clicking the duplicate button (as highlighted below)

11) Assign a name for the new email and click OK

12) Now you can edit this email by clicking the 'Edit newsletter details' 

13) Click on 'Save changes' once you're done editing the email 

The next step involves creating a new 'Event Trigger' by following the steps shown here: 

14) Click on Autom8r in the main navigation bar

15) Navigate to Clinic Events in the sub-navigation menu to create a new workshop event

16) Click the 'Add new event' button

17) You can now enter the details for your upcoming workshop: 

  • Name: Type in a name that is descriptive of the workshop topic as it will help you distinguish between multiple workshops in the future. This is a required field.
  • Date: Select the date of the workshop. This is a required field. 
  • Time: Select the time of the workshop. This is a required field. 
  • Display on site: This feature is only relevant for some of our website templates, such as for our FYZICAL clients. This feature allows you to add a call to action for workshop on the homepage of your website. 
  • Description: This feature is only relevant for some of our website templates, such as for our FYZICAL clients. This feature allows you to display a short description of the event in the call to action (that can be enabled by clicking the Display on site option above). 

18) Click on Save

19) You should now see a new event in the table: 

20) You can now link your workshop campaign to this new event, so whenever a new user signs up for the workshop, they will automatically receive reminder and follow up emails. You can do this by clicking the Click to Add link.

21) Switch to the Run Campaign tab and select the appropriate campaign by clicking on the dropdown field under Choose Campaign

22) Click on OK to confirm 

23) You should now see the email campaign linked to the workshop event: 

Note: Repeat steps 16 - 23 to create other clinic events. 

The next step involves creating a new workshop landing page. This page will be used to direct traffic that clicks on the ads for this campaign. 

Before you get started, click on the blue link under the page template name to preview the template and make sure you are working on the correct template. 

24.  Navigate to the Autom8r section in the Main Navigation Bar.

25. Click on Lead Pages in the sub-menu.

26. Click on the edit icon for the lead page you wish to edit.

Note: If you would like to set up a new lead page template, please contact us at for more information. 

27. You can toggle between Visual or Detailed mode.

Visual mode is an easy-editing mode which allows you to change text and images on the page.

Detailed mode allows you to change the style, design and content on the page (for advanced users familiar with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript).

28. Edit the page in Visual mode by moving the cursor over the text you wish to edit

29. Click on the blue pencil icon to the top-left corner of the blue box

30. Make the necessary changes by typing in the dotted blue box

31. Click on Save Changes once you're finished with editing the content. 

32. Click on the menu icon

33. Change the edit mode to Detailed

34. Select Forms tab in the left column

35. Hover on the form you wish to edit and click the edit form icon

36. Add the form settings (such as the contact email and thank you page URL) 

37. Click on the blue link beside After submit section 

38. Select Schedule Event

39. Select the event (refer back to steps 20 - 22) from the dropdown menu  

40. Click OK

Please note that you can also assign a confirmation email which is sent out immediately after someone signs up for a clinic event. Once you click on OK, you should see an option to send another email; simply click the blue link [click here to add] to select an existing confirmation email (found in 'Newsletters' > 'Multiuse Emails'). 

41. You can now publish this landing page and start collecting user information. In order to obtain a working URL for this page, click the menu icon in the top left corner of the editor page. 

42. Click on Outside Link

43. Click on URL bar on the preview page

44. Delete ?preview_and_test_only=true from the URL

45. The remaining URL (for example: is the web address for this page. Simply copy and paste this URL into your online marketing campaigns (Facebook, Google, Newsletter, etc.).