How To Add a Menu Item

Follow the steps shown below to add new menu items to the main navigation bar on your website:

1) Log into your PatientSites Web Editor from

2) Click on Content in the main menu

Keep in mind that Home and Contact pages do not provide the opportunity to add new pages. 

3) On the Pages tab, you can create a new page or activate an existing page to make it visible in the main menu

4) For any existing pages, simply select the checkbox next to the page name and click the green Save Settings button. This will enable the page in the main menu.

5) You can also add a new page to the CMS and display it in the main menu. You can do this by clicking on the blue Add new page button.  

6) Add the  Page Name and Order number to decide the order in which you want that page to be displayed on the menu. You can then add some content to the page and click Save Changes once you're done.

7) You can also add a new submenu item to be shown under the main menu item. These items only appear when you hover on the main menu item. To add a new article to any of the other pages, first select an existing page in the left sidebar (or create a new one by following the steps above).

8) Click on Add New Article.

9) Add the  Page Name and Order number to decide the order in which you want that page to be displayed on the menu. 

10) Use the editorial box to add any content to the page and click Save new page.

11) Keep the Display box sele to ensure the page is visible on the website.